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Benefits of African Shea Butter

Shea tree grows wild in central and western Africa with no special needs for nourishment. Almost all parts of the tree, such as roots, bark, leaves, fruit seeds and oil have some practical use. Because of the healing properties the shea tree got its name “karite,” which means the “tree of life.” The pure unprocessed African shea butter is made by grounding the fruit seeds. Shea butter has many health benefits.

Skin Moisturizer

The moisturizers in shea butter are similar to those that the sebaceous glands in the human skin produce, according to American Shea Butter Institute. Shea butter enables the skin to absorb moisture from the air, and, as a result, skin becomes softer and stays moisturized for a longer time. African men and women have used shea butter for centuries to promote healthy skin and hair.

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(Suzanna McGee @

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