Strong and powerful legs are not just beautiful – on men or women – but also extremely useful in tennis. When you bend your knees to achieve a low base, you will have a better balance and better transfer of the forces from the ground upward – through the kinetic chain – to your arm and racket and to the ball. More powerful shots will result. It is very energy demanding to be bending your legs deeply on each shot. Tennis players with better fitness and stronger legs will have an advantage. It is also easier to be mentally tough if you are physically fit and strong. If you know that you can last on that tennis court for hours and never get tired, then you know that it is just a matter of patience and you will outlast your opponent.
Suzanna McGee
A former Ms. Natural Olympia Bodybuilding champion, currently performance coach, injury prevention specialist, plant-based nutrition coach, author, speaker and raw vegan athlete. Loves to help others by sharing her knowledge, and to hang out with her little scruffy dog Oscar. Find Suzanna on
Instagram, Facebook and Amazon.
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