We all know that feeling – tight neck, maybe a slight tension headache and a bit stiff low back. Whatever you do, nothing really helps. In another article about how to rejuvenate your spine with Cats and Dogs, you’ve learned about the imbalances of a “forward” life style, which we all more or less have. Tennis is an activity that is not helping to create additional balance in your body… Many more forehands (“forward” muscles) compared to backhands… serves, overheads, forehand volleys… All that is mostly with one arm only. Then when you are tired or need a little break, you are slouching on the bench, leaning and bending forward. Imagine what is happening to your body over time.
Suzanna McGee
A former Ms. Natural Olympia Bodybuilding champion, currently performance coach, injury prevention specialist, plant-based nutrition coach, author, speaker and raw vegan athlete. Loves to help others by sharing her knowledge, and to hang out with her little scruffy dog Oscar. Find Suzanna on
Instagram, Facebook and Amazon.
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