If you could have one exercise that will train simultaneously your strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and mental toughness, would you do it? Such exercise does exist – it is called one-leg squat (or ‘pistol’ in some other athletic areas). You don’t need any fancy equipment or location, only a serious focus and strong will. As a result, your tennis fitness will improve tremendously. In the one-leg squat you exercise power through the full range of motion while balancing on one leg. Your legs will get extremely strong and with strong legs your movement on the court will be faster, more explosive and more graceful. One-leg squat is one of the most important and useful exercises that you can find. It is very easy to describe, but so much more difficult to execute. But with practice you can master it soon.
Suzanna McGee
A former Ms. Natural Olympia Bodybuilding champion, currently performance coach, injury prevention specialist, plant-based nutrition coach, author, speaker and raw vegan athlete. Loves to help others by sharing her knowledge, and to hang out with her little scruffy dog Oscar. Find Suzanna on
Instagram, Facebook and Amazon.
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