You practice your shots for hours over and over… It seems to be a “known fact” that repetitive motions cause injuries. Maybe you have developed one too. But is that statement really true? Yes and no. If your joints are stable and functional, and you repeat the same motion over and over, your muscles get tired before the healthy joint would get damaged. But if your joints are not stable, i.e. if they have lost their kinetic connections, and they are not moving properly, then the repetitive motions will cause an injury sooner or later for sure. If you feel like are you developing pain symptoms of repetitive motions, you need to think about the exercises to stabilize your joints, rather then to sedate yourself and your joints with medications, or thinking about surgeries. The medications only mask the underlying problem.
Suzanna McGee
A former Ms. Natural Olympia Bodybuilding champion, currently performance coach, injury prevention specialist, plant-based nutrition coach, author, speaker and raw vegan athlete. Loves to help others by sharing her knowledge, and to hang out with her little scruffy dog Oscar. Find Suzanna on
Instagram, Facebook and Amazon.
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