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Build bullet-proof fitness… the older you get, the better you get.

Raw Vegan Salad with Many Green and Colored Vegetables

raw vegan salad spinach tomato zucchini

Since I became raw (don’t cook my foods) plant-based athlete, I have been experimenting with different “salads”. I almost don’t like to call it salad, because people often imagine some lettuce leaves with dressing when they talk about salads. My raw vegan salad has a lot of substance and quality nutrients.

I didn’t used to be a big fan of salads, because I felt like it’s not enough food for me. That’s why I never managed to become fully raw before, because I thought I cannot live eating just salads. However, now I have figured out how to do it and I must say that my creations are delicious, filling and nutritious.

This raw vegan salad is just one of many iterations… If you read my book (The Athlete’s Simple Guide to a Plant-Based Lifestyle) then you know that I don’t like nor follow recipes at all. It just makes things complicated and slows down the food gathering and preparation.

Also, because I eat so many different plants and their taste always depends on the season, why would we follow a recipe if the flavor is going to be different each time anyway, depending on the season of the veggies? So in my book I have a big section of “non-recipes” (or blueprints) of simple and healthy meals that can be created and prepared in less than 15 minutes. Some are cooked and some are raw, so everybody can find something.

If you are not fully plant-based (yet), you still can create the meal according to the blueprint and just toss in the animal stuff you enjoy eating (chicken, cheese, fish, meat). When you have this super yummy salad, you may realize that you don’t need as much of the animal stuff, and that is a great step toward a positive change.


raw vegan salad spinach tomato zucchini


Raw Vegan Salad

  • 1/2 lb spinach
  • 1/2 lb broccolini
  • 3/4 to 1 lb tomatoes
  • 1 orange (or red or yellow) bell pepper
  • 4-5 green onions
  • 1 lb shredded zucchini
  • 1 oz raisins
  • Add a tiny bit Stevia/honey, lemon juice and coconut milk (that’s my “dressing” that I don’t even prepare ahead :-) )

Mix everything thoroughly and you are ready to munch and crunch. You see that my food volume is quite large, for a “normal” person, this could be several servings. However, because I don’t add any fat, it is pretty low in calories, around 500–600. So eating the whole thing fills me nicely, but doesn’t make me sluggish.

I haven’t done it in this one, but often I add sprouted lentils into the mix, for little extra protein. And sometimes, I add a half avocado for little extra fat.




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