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Sprouted Lentils: Great Raw Source of Protein

Sprouted lentils are one of my favorite foods. They are very easy to make and very inexpensive. Add them to your salads or soups, eat them as a main meal, or carry around as a snack.

I have tried lentils from many different brands, from Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, markets… Not all of them have a great sprouting rate (aka, sometimes just half of them sprouts). Then I found my savior, the Palouse Brand, on Amazon. I buy the Pardina brown lentils in 25 lbs bags,, but they also have smaller sizes. I eat them sprouted, and I cook them for my dog. They are non-irradiated, and the sprouting rate is almost 100%. They are truly delicious.


How to Make Sprouted Lentils


  1. I put one cup (250 grams) of lentils in a half gallon sprouting jar. I use Now Foods jar or a regular mason jar with a sprouting lid.
  2. Fill the jar with water to soak overnight.  sprouted-lentils-soaking
  3. Pour the water out, but don’t throw it away. It has many nutrients, and I like to water my plants with it.
  4. Rinse the lentils about 3 times, twice a day.
  5. Drain all the water and put the jar on the kitchen counter slightly angled so the excess water can run out.sprouted-lentils-nov-2016
  6. Repeat this rinse and drain cycle for 2–3 days. Depending on your house temperature, they sprout sooner or later.
  7. I then put the whole jar in the fridge, where it can stay for up to 7 days. I generally eat them all long before that.


Sprouted Lentils with Avocado and Thai Sweet Chili Sauce


  • about 2 cups of sprouted lentils
  • 1 avocado
  • Thai sweet garlic chili sauce


“Stuffed” Bell Peppers with Sprouted Lentils

  • bell peppers (sometimes I cut them, sometimes not and just stuff the lentils inside)
  • 2 cups of lentils
  • spices that you love
  • avocado
  • or veggies that you like on the side



Spicy Sprouted Lentils

  • about 3 cups sprouted lentils
  • 2 to 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 2+ tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro (optional)

 Sprouted Lentils Nutritional Value



Would you like to learn more how to transition more toward plant-based eating to optimize your athletic performance and feel great? Check the  “The Athlete’s Simple Guide to a Plant-Based Lifestyle: How to easily improve your health, performance, and longevity. Works for non-athletes, too!“. Feel free to email me any questions you have. Be awesome!



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