Leg strength, core strength, balance, coordination and flexibility – that’s what you need to work on to become sufficiently fit to play good tennis. Most of the players realize how […]
Tight shoulders or neck and tension headaches can be very unpleasant and almost everybody will experience them occasionally and some even regularly. Bad posture with head forward, tight chest muscles […]
In the modern tennis game the player’s fitness and conditioning is more and more important. For the player who strives for improvement, the off-court tennis fitness training should be as […]
A fit tennis player needs to have a strong, explosive, and well-coordinated body with great stamina and flexibility. If there is one exercise that can achieve all this—it is the […]
If you could have one exercise that will train simultaneously your strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and mental toughness, would you do it? Such exercise does exist – it is called […]
The repetitive nature of tennis puts your body under severe stresses and potential injuries, especially in the knees, ankles, lower back and shoulders. Shoulder injuries are one of the most […]
Having a strong core is one of the most important things in any skilled athletic movement, and tennis especially. Strong supporting muscles around the spine will decrease the risk of […]
Tennis players at all levels and ages are regularly participating in strength training, which is very important for maximizing performance and preventing injuries. But ultimately, speed and explosiveness of the […]
“Strong legs make a strong body” – and for a tennis player this is twofold true. You need your legs to cover the court and to support and balance your […]
Think how many times you bend and twist during your normal day, and how many times you twist and untwist your upper body on the tennis court. The muscles responsible […]
Push up is a well-known and excellent exercise for the whole upper body. It strengthens your chest, shoulders, arms and core. You can easily do it anywhere and without any […]
We all want to have a nice lean midsection with defined abs, right? Especially in Los Angeles where it is sunny all year around and you can show them off… […]