If you are an athlete, you run a risk of injury. All sports have a risk of injury. The more contact in sport, the greater the risk is. Luckily, in […]
Align hips with straight-leg hip twist stretch---an important stretch for tennis players, as it rotates and relaxes the muscles of the spine while the muscles of the hip are contracted. The hips are the power center of your body: they connect the lower body and the upper body to work in unity while providing stability, strength, and flexibility to both upper and lower body.
The hardest thing in life and sport training is to remain balanced. In life, work, family, school, chores, studies, health, cooking and other duties call for your attention and you […]
Do you experience a tight neck and shoulders often and do you get tension headaches? Today’s lifestyle is “everything forward.” You sit at the desk with your shoulders, arms and […]
The legendary tennis coach Oscar Wegner (modern tennis methodology) has interviewed me about my book “Tennis Fitness for the Love of it.” We were chatting about the importance of fitness […]
To make sure that you are completely satisfied with your decision to buy “Tennis Fitness for the Love of it”, you can view sample material from the book in the […]
I am glad to announce, that the book “Tennis Fitness for the Love of it. A Mindful Approach to Fitness for Injury-free Tennis” that many have been so impatiently waiting for, […]
You practice your shots for hours over and over… It seems to be a “known fact” that repetitive motions cause injuries. Maybe you have developed one too. But is that […]
Our bodies are optimally functional when to posture is correct – slightly sway back, curvature in the neck, head sits directly over the shoulders (not forward as we can see […]
How many tennis players do you know who have or have had tennis elbow or painful wrists? Or serious shoulder issues? Maybe you are one of them? Sometimes we blame […]
The hips are the center of your body. They connect the lower body and the upper body to work as a unity. They provide stability, strength and flexibility to both […]
Tennis is considered to be a hard sport on your wrists, elbows, shoulders and knees. (And as well are other racquet sports and handball). But is it indeed a problem […]