What is the best protein for athletic performance is a question I get A LOT. And how much? In my bodybuilding career (which is now 15 years ago… I have […]
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Fruit is the most perfect food both for athletes and non-athletes. Mother nature did a great job to package an incredible amount of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, sweetness, sourness, […]
Tight hamstrings and a foot massage? The correlation doesn’t seem to be obvious immediately, but they are surprisingly connected. Tight hamstrings muscles is a common problem among athletes and non-athletes. We sit […]
Now when the summer is approaching, many of us start thinking about the beaches, vacations and swimming suit season. What have we done to our bodies over the winter holidays??? […]
Dehydration and workout motivation, or rather “unmotivation”, go hand in hand. If there is a bathroom in close proximity, it takes about 2 minutes to go pee-pee. It doesn’t seem […]
Tight hip-flexors are a major problem for any athlete or fitness enthusiast. Shortened and tight hip-flexors inhibit the gluteus muscles (booty) to fire correctly and your movement on the tennis […]
Every tennis player wishes to hit harder and with more control. To improve your tennis swing power and control at the same time is not that simple. Sometimes the player […]
Myofascial release after training… That sounds so cool—if you haven’t heard about it before. But if you have and tried it you know it is more painful than cool. Unless […]
Most of us are familiar with the glycemic index, and many of us believe that it is important to eat low glycemic index foods. A fewer of us are familiar […]
Our wrists and elbows are such small parts of our bodies that we often forget how troublesome they can be when we get occasional twinges and aches. If left untreated […]
Personally, I don’t know “moderation” in almost everything I do—in life or exercise, I go for it full speed, full commitment, and full “overdoing” it. I have always believed that […]
The glute bridge is the simplest way to develop the often most underestimated (yet the most important) muscle in the athlete’s body: the gluteus. Beloved things has many names: the […]